Boldbrush Competition Finalist

Painting Contest
August 2010
Art Marketing Newsletter

My painting, The Cellist, was awarded as a Finalist in the August Boldbrush painting competition. This award includes a feature article in the Informed Collector newsletter, which will be scheduled to run in the upcoming weeks. So go check it out!

winter plein air

At long last! Tennessee actually got some real snow. And it actually covered the grass. And it actually hung around for at least a couple of days. Here in Tennessee, weather like this is extremely rare and it shuts everything down. The pandemonium that ensues will never cease to amaze me. Having grown up in the north, I happen to love the snow—wish we could get more of it. But I love it even more now that I have done my first plein air in it. It was a lot of fun. Hope you like it. It's my first in the snow.

Winter Plein Air - 8x10 - oil on Belgian linen

Winter Plein Air — 8x10 — oil on Belgian linen